This is off to a really good start. You seem to have focused on the fast food side of the industrialized food system, and that is a good topic. There is a lot of information out there on this topic. Because of that I would have thought your blog would have had more in the way of information included here. You will continue to blog and I will continue to visit and will continue to reassess. As you add more research your score will rise, but for now this is PROFICIENT (3). Good work.
This is off to a really good start. You seem to have focused on the fast food side of the industrialized food system, and that is a good topic. There is a lot of information out there on this topic. Because of that I would have thought your blog would have had more in the way of information included here. You will continue to blog and I will continue to visit and will continue to reassess. As you add more research your score will rise, but for now this is PROFICIENT (3). Good work.